€320,000 raised for the hero of Dublin Attack till now

Caio, Hero of dublin attack

In the shocking incident outside a primary school in Dublin, an assailant targeted three young children and a creche worker, leaving a five-year-old girl and a woman in serious condition. And a Deliveroo driver from Brazil, Caio Benicio, emerged as an unexpected hero, preventing the potentially catastrophic knife attack. His quick and courageous response likely prevented further harm to the victims. He is rightly being chanted as the hero of Dublin attack.

Here, you can read more details of the Dublin knife attack.

As the chaos unfolded just after 1:30 pm on Thursday, Caio Benicio was passing by the school on his delivery route when he witnessed the attacker wielding a knife and grabbing a young girl. Without hesitation, Benicio sprang into action, using his motorbike helmet as a weapon to subdue the knifeman.

In an interview, Benicio shared the intensity of the moment: ‘When I saw the knife, I stopped my bike and I just acted by instinct.’ He recounted taking off his helmet and delivering a powerful blow to the assailant’s head. It was only afterward that he realised the full extent of the incident, expressing his concern for the well-being of the injured children and the creche worker. 

Caio Benicio, Hero of Dublin attack

Overwhelming support pouring out for Caio

The aftermath of the attack saw an outpouring of support for the hero of Dublin Attack Benicio, with an online fundraising page titled “Buy Caio Benicio a pint” quickly going viral. The initiative, aimed at acknowledging and appreciating his heroic actions, surpassed its initial target of €200,000 (£173,000) within a short span. The total amount raised now exceeds an impressive €320,000 (£278,000), thanks to the generosity of over 30,000 donors. 

The overwhelming response reflects not only the gratitude towards Benicio but also the solidarity of the community in the face of adversity. Many donors commended the hero of Dublin Attack for his bravery and selfless act in protecting the children and the creche worker. 

Amidst the chaos, Benicio’s story stands out as a beacon of hope and resilience. The father-of-two, who has been living in Ireland for about 20 years, exemplifies the courage and compassion that transcends nationalities. In response to the subsequent riots in Dublin, which authorities attributed to a “lunatic faction driven by far-right ideology,” Benicio remained steadfast, emphasising that he was an immigrant himself and had come to the aid of those in need. 

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Deputy Micheal Martin acknowledged Benicio’s heroism, highlighting the significance of individuals who risk their lives to save others. Martin emphasised that amidst the horrific attack, Benicio’s role “should not be forgotten.” 

As the fundraising efforts continue, the funds raised will undoubtedly play a crucial role in aiding the victims’ recovery and supporting the community affected by this senseless act of violence. The tale of, Caio Benicio, the hero of Dublin attack serves as a reminder that compassion and unity triumph in times of adversity and that heroes can appear in the most unlikely places.

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