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Dublin Airport Faces Controversy Over Nighttime Flights

Nighttime Flights at Dublin Airport

Dublin Airport is facing controversy over nighttime flights, with residents complaining about noise pollution exceeding permitted levels. The airport reportedly allows up to 100 flights to land and take off between 11 pm and 7 am, exceeding the limit of 65 flights set in the planning permission for the new North Runway.

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This is significantly higher than London Heathrow, one of the world’s busiest airports, which permits only 16-night flights during this period. Fingal County Council has issued an enforcement notice against Dublin Airport Authority (daa) to ensure compliance with the restriction. However, daa has challenged this action in the High Court.

ANCA TO Assess The Impact Of Nighttime Flights On Locals

The Aircraft Noise Competent Authority (ANCA) is reviewing noise levels and their impact on local communities. Residents’ groups claim the current flight paths significantly deviate from those approved during the planning process, raising concerns about a lack of environmental impact assessment.

Daa maintains it engages with communities and has implemented measures like additional noise monitoring stations. They also argue that the number of people affected by noise has decreased, and modern aircraft are quieter. However, residents remain unsatisfied, highlighting a potential breach of planning permission and a decline in their quality of life.

Nighttime Flights at Dublin Airport

This dispute highlights the ongoing tension between the economic benefits of increased airport activity and the well-being of residents living near airports. The upcoming ANCA review and the High Court case will determine how this issue is resolved.

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