Trump Campaign Challenges Harris’ Control of Biden’s Campaign Funds

In an unexpected development, the Trump campaign has complained to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) about U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. According to the allegation, Harris is not authorised to accept President Joe Biden’s campaign funds. This move follows Biden’s decision to end his reelection bid and endorse Harris, who swiftly took control of Biden’s campaign accounts.
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According to Harris’ campaign, she secured pledges from a majority of delegates for next month’s party convention, effectively wrapping up the nomination. Nonetheless, Harris has been charged by the Trump team with engaging in a “brazen money grab,” which they refer to as “the largest campaign finance violation in American history.”
FEC Unlikely to Resolve Biden’s Campaign Funds Dispute Before Election, Says Expert
Notwithstanding these charges, Campaign Legal Center attorney Saurav Ghosh maintains that Harris’s claim to the funds is unassailable because of her prior role as Biden’s vice presidential nominee. The FEC has refrained from commenting on the unresolved enforcement matters, leaving the issue unlikely to be resolved before the November 5 presidential election.

Harris’ campaign, undeterred by the FEC complaint, announced that it had raised $100 million since Biden’s endorsement. Harris campaign spokesperson Charles Kretchmer Lutvak dismissed the complaint, emphasising the Democrats’ focus on mobilising voters and winning the election.