Report Reveals More Than 30,000 Households Affected by ‘Hidden Homelessness’

Hidden Homelessness

Unbelievably, hidden homelessness affects approximately 30,000 households on the Irish island. The startling report that the Simon Communities of Northern Ireland and Ireland released contained this information. 

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Hidden homelessness refers to individuals who lack stable housing but aren’t visibly on the streets. They might be sleeping in cars, couch-surfing, or squatting in buildings, often without seeking help from housing authorities, thus remaining off official records. 

Claiming to be ‘Under the Radar: Unveiling Hidden Homelessness Across the Island of Ireland,’ the study presents the results of a survey that Ireland Thinks and Lucid Talks performed among 1,762 respondents in the Republic of Ireland and 1,050 in Northern Ireland. It paints a grim picture: 3.8% in the Republic and 3.3% in the North are forced to live in precarious situations. 

Understanding the Cause and Impacts of Hidden Homelessness Across the Country

Disturbingly, 83% in the Republic and 77% in the North endure hidden homelessness for six months or more, highlighting the chronic nature of this crisis. The root cause? A severe shortage of secure affordable homes, exacerbated by skyrocketing rental costs and evictions, particularly in the Republic.

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The study emphasises the disproportionate impact on younger people and those from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds. Additionally, it reveals a stark contrast in how homelessness is addressed between the two regions, with more reluctance to seek help noted in the Republic. 

As policymakers grapple with these findings, urgent action is needed to address the structural issues perpetuating hidden homelessness, ensuring that no household is left behind in the quest for safe, stable housing.

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