Man in His 70s Loses Life in Cork City House Fire

A man in his 70s loses life in a Cork City house fire this morning.
The emergency services reached the site as soon as they were alerted at 10:40 am. It was soon after the alarm was raised by the neighbours that a Cork City house fire took place along with the family members.
Cork City Fire Services sent three units for the rescue. They were wearing breathing apparatus as a safety when they were thoroughly searching inside the house.
Gardai and HSE ambulances were on their way in response to the call.
In Douglas, the man in his 70s loses life at the scene
The man in his 70s loses life at his home located at Grange Cottages in Douglas.
When the third officer, Ger Ryan reached the site, the family members greeted him and informed him that there was a man in the firehouse.
The Fire Department found an elderly man in the house, in a room in the cottage. He was unresponsive when being found and was pronounced dead by the HSE team.
Ger Ryan told that there was evidence that the fire had been burning all night and had turned out by itself would have suffocated the old man and resulted in his death.
Luckily, the fire had not spread to other areas of the neighbourhood.
An official Garda investigation is launched to know more about the details of the fire.