Popular Holiday Destinations for Irish Travellers in 2024

Holiday Destinations

In the latest revelation by Aer Lingus, the leading airline in Ireland, the preferred holiday destinations for Irish globetrotters in 2024 has been unveiled. The data, meticulously compiled by the airline, paints a vivid picture of the travel preferences of the Emerald Isle’s citizens. Let’s delve into the intricacies of Aer Lingus’ 2024 Travel Trends and explore the reasons behind Spain’s dominance and the broader travel habits of the Irish. 

(Also read Waterford goes on NYT’s ’52 Places to Go’ 2024 list.)

Top 4 Holiday Destinations for the Irish travellers


For many Irish holidaymakers, the allure of Spain remains unmatched. With 60% of Irish travellers choosing the Iberian Peninsula as their destination of choice, Spain’s sun-soaked beaches and vibrant cities continue to captivate the imaginations of those seeking a perfect getaway. From Costa del Sol’s picturesque landscapes to the cultural tapestry of Barcelona, Spain’s warm hospitality has solidified its status as one of the top holiday destinations in 2024. 

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spain-holiday destinations

Portugal and France: 

While Spain claims the throne, Portugal and France secure respectable positions in the hearts of Irish holidaymakers. Portugal takes the second spot with 30%, offering a diverse blend of historical charm, scenic beauty, and delectable cuisine.

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France, with its romantic allure and timeless elegance, follows closely at 26%. Irish travellers are drawn to these European treasures by the prospect of life-changing events and cultural immersion. 

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France-holiday destinations


Venturing across the Atlantic, the survey reveals New York as the top North American destination, captivating 61% of Irish travellers.

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The iconic skyline, Broadway allure, and the city’s undeniable energy make the Big Apple an eternal favourite. Florida follows suit at 29%, offering the magic of Disney alongside pristine beaches, while Boston captures the hearts of 21% with its rich history and New England charm.

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Boston-holiday destinations

The transatlantic allure remains potent for Irish tourists, with these American destinations casting a spell on their holiday aspirations. 

Holiday Preferences of the travellers

Beyond the geographical allure, the survey delves into the preferred activities of Irish holidaymakers. Unsurprisingly, lounging at the beach emerges as the top choice for 55% of respondents. The allure of golden sands, gentle waves, and a sun-kissed escape beckons Irish travellers seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.

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City exploration closely follows at 53%, highlighting the desire to immerse in the vibrant cultures and histories of the chosen destinations. 

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vibrant cultures-holiday destinations

A Desire to Explore

A deeper insight into Aer Lingus’ findings reveals an intriguing pattern – 60% of Irish adults enjoyed two or more holidays abroad in the preceding year. This suggests a growing appetite for exploration and a willingness among the Irish to embrace diverse cultures and experiences. The tradition of packing bags and jetting off for sunnier shores or bustling cities has become ingrained in the fabric of Irish holiday habits, reflecting a nation with a global perspective.

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As we unravel the travel tapestry of Irish holidaymakers in 2024, Spain emerges as the undisputed champion, casting its sunny spell on the majority of adventurers from the Emerald Isle. From the charming landscapes of Portugal to the timeless elegance of France and the allure of iconic American cities, the preferences of Irish travellers offer a diverse palette of experiences.

With a penchant for beach lounging and city exploration, the Irish continue to showcase a zest for discovery and a keenness to embrace the world beyond their shores. As the travel trends evolve, the allure of distant horizons and new cultures remains a driving force for the Irish, ensuring that the spirit of exploration continues to thrive in the years to come.

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