Privacy Policy from

Our Commitment

In compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and its parent company, Wasper Media Ltd, are devoted to safeguarding your information. Your data will not be utilized without your explicit consent, adhering to stringent compliance standards and ensuring your privacy’s security. Should we require specific information during your website use, it will be handled in alignment with our data protection and privacy policy. Periodic policy updates may occur to adhere to relevant changes, so regular website checks are encouraged to stay informed.

Data We May Collect

We may request information such as your name, occupation, contact details, email address, and demographics, along with other data pertinent to customer services, offers, and surveys. This information is utilized for internal record-keeping, enhancing our products/services, and sending promotional emails concerning new products, services, special offers, and other pertinent information to the provided email address.

Security Assurance

Security is paramount at Measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure and to secure the information collected online.

Cookie Usage on Our Website

Our website employs cookies, files stored on your computer with your consent, to analyze traffic and tailor your browsing experience. By using our website, you implicitly consent to cookie use. Options to refrain from cookie use, delete them post-visit, or browse anonymously are available. Traffic log cookies, used for identifying visited pages and aiding webpage traffic analysis, are utilized for statistical analysis before being removed from the system. Note that cookies do not provide us access to your computer or any personal information, unless shared with us. Cookie management options are available through your browser settings.

Social Buttons and External Web Services

Our website features social buttons for sharing and bookmarking web pages, which may collect internet activity information, including on our site and linked external sites. Exercise caution and review the privacy policies of these sites for data usage and opt-out options. More about session cookies can be learned here.

Google and Other External Web Services

We utilize external web services, such as Google, which may present cookie and data collection issues. While we cannot prevent external sites from gathering usage information of embedded content, anonymous usage information is collected if you are not logged into these services. Some emails may contain tracking to measure generated traffic and improve our email communications. Google Analytics is used to enhance user experience on our Wasper Media Creative Agency site, with all user data being completely anonymous. Learn more about Google’s privacy stance here.

AdWords, Facebook Advertising, and Visual Website Optimizer

We employ Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising, and Visual Website Optimizer for improved user experience, conversion tracking, retargeting pixels, and efficient use of our paid search budget.

Managing Cookie Settings

Your browser allows some control of most cookies through its settings. To learn more about cookies and managing them on popular browsers, visit

Additional Information and Your Control

Social buttons on our Wasper Media site, such as Twitter, Google +1, Facebook ‘Like’, and LinkedIn ‘Share’, may collect information about your internet activities, including on Wasper Media’s site. Our website may contain links to other websites, for which we are not responsible once you leave our site. Exercise caution and review the respective websites’ privacy statements.

Collection of Your Personal Data: Methods and Practices

We employ various strategies to gather data from and about you, which include:

  • Direct Interactions: Your Identity, Contact, and Financial Data might be shared with us when you:
    • Establish an account on our site;
    • Subscribe to our services or publications;
    • Opt for marketing communications;
    • Participate in competitions, promotions, surveys, or events;
    • Provide feedback. This can be done through form submissions or communications via post, phone, email, or other means.
  • Automated Technologies/Interactions: While navigating through our website, Technical Data related to your device and browsing activities may be automatically collected using cookies and similar technologies.
  • Third Parties or Publicly Available Sources: We might obtain personal data about you from various third parties, including:
    • Technical Data from analytics providers like Google, which is based outside the EU, and others such as Taboola, Craft,, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Mailchimp, Gleam, and Celtra, Inc.
    • Identity and Contact Data from data brokers or aggregators within the EU, like InSkin Media and 2Cubed.

Utilization of Your Personal Data

Your personal data will be utilized only in permissible legal scenarios. Typically, we employ your personal data under the following circumstances:

  • To execute a contract that we are about to form or have formed with you.
  • When it aligns with our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests along with fundamental rights do not supersede those interests.
  • To adhere to a legal or regulatory obligation.

Note that we generally do not depend on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data, except for sending third-party direct marketing communications to you via email or text message. You reserve the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any point by reaching out to us.

You maintain control over your personal information and can restrict its collection or use by indicating your preference on website forms or contacting us via email. Your personal information will not be sold, distributed, or leased to third parties unless we have your permission or are legally required to do so. However, with your opt-in, we may send you promotional information about third parties.

Under the GDPR, you have the right to request details of the personal information we hold about you. For a copy of this information, please write to Ely House, Nutrgrove Avenue, Dublin 14, Ireland.


The material on our site is for general information purposes only, is not professional advice, and does not create any contractual obligations. We are not liable for any loss arising from reliance on the information provided on our site. Given the open nature of the internet, we cannot guarantee that our site and downloads are virus-free, so appropriate precautions for your safety and privacy are advised.