Coalition Leaders to Discuss Nomination for EU Commissioner

Nomination for EU Commissioner

Later today, the three leaders of the coalition are expected to have a lengthy conversation about Ireland’s nomination for EU Commissioner. Michael McGrath, the minister of finance, is predicted to be the nominee; the entire Cabinet is expected to formally approve him tomorrow. This nomination follows the coalition agreement granting Fianna Fáil the responsibility of selecting the candidate.

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Nomination for EU Commissioner

The swift selection of a nominee is driven by the upcoming European Council summit later this week, where key EU positions will be allocated. If McGrath is put forward for nomination, he must have the European Parliament’s consent. 

Tánaiste Martin in Luxembourg Amid Talks of Nomination for EU Commissioner

Micheál Martin, the Tánaiste and Minister of Foreign Affairs, is currently in Luxembourg for a conference of EU foreign ministers. Topics of discussion include the Middle East conflict and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This meeting comes ahead of the important EU summit in Brussels, when leaders will name candidates for high-level EU positions, such as President of the European Commission, including Taoiseach Simon Harris. 

Martin confirmed the Government’s support for Ursula von der Leyen’s second term as Commission President, though Fianna Fáil MEPs’ votes will be approached step-by-step. The EU summit is expected to solidify von der Leyen as the candidate for Commission President, pending a parliamentary vote next month.

Foreign ministers will also focus on sanctions against Russia and the potential for Ukraine to begin EU accession negotiations. Martin emphasised the need for the EU to push for a ceasefire in Gaza and increase humanitarian aid, stressing the importance of upholding international law.

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